Day 1: Define Project Scope and Requirements

Clearly define the project’s goals and objectives. Identify the target audience and user personas. Gather and document functional and non-functional requirements. Create wireframes or sketches to visualize the layout. Day 2: Set Up Development Environment

Choose a suitable code editor (e.g., Visual Studio Code, Sublime Text). Set up version control using Git and create a repository. Install necessary libraries or frameworks (e.g., React, Vue, Angular). Configure build tools like Webpack or Parcel. Day 3: Design UI Components

Create a design system with consistent colors, typography, and spacing. Design individual UI components based on wireframes. Consider responsiveness for different screen sizes. Day 4: Implement Core Functionality

Begin coding the basic structure of the application. Develop core functionalities and navigation. Integrate APIs or mock data for dynamic content. Day 5: Style and Polish

Apply styles to UI components using CSS or a preprocessor (e.g., SASS, LESS). Ensure a consistent and visually appealing design. Implement animations or transitions for a better user experience. Day 6: Testing and Debugging

Conduct thorough testing across different browsers and devices. Identify and fix any bugs or issues. Optimize performance for faster loading times. Day 7: Documentation and Deployment

Document the project structure, codebase, and any important decisions. Prepare a README file for future developers or collaborators. Set up a hosting environment and deploy the frontend application. Configure any necessary deployment scripts.