Question 1: What is parallel computing?

Parallel computing involves performing multiple calculations or processes simultaneously, breaking down a large task into smaller ones executed concurrently.

Question 2: If a computer has 3 cores with tasks taking 25ms, 632ms, and 100ms, how long will the program take to run?

The program will take 632ms to run, as the runtime is determined by the longest task.

Question 3: Is sequential or parallel computing more efficient, and why?

Efficiency depends on the task. Parallel is efficient for divisible tasks, while sequential is simpler but may be slower.

Question 4: What is the term for a network with multiple paths to one destination in fault-tolerant systems?

“Redundancy” refers to networks with multiple paths, enhancing fault tolerance by providing alternatives if one path fails.

Question 5: Using the image above, is this fault tolerant?

This is fault tolerant because there are many connections leading up to the same destination.