I received a 63/67 on the College Board MC from this trimester. I’m quite pleased with my performance, however, I noticed that many of the questions I got wrong were silly mistakes. I felt confident about more topics that we covered with the team teaches. I also had to research topics I wasn’t as familiar with. In the future, I want to go back to my notes and regularly review them to succeed in the AP Test when no resources are available during the MC. I felt myself getting tired during the test, so I couldn’t complete it in one sitting and had to take breaks. Next time I take a practice test, I will be sure to treat it like an AP Test so that when the time comes and I have to do the real test, the fatigue that comes with long tests like these will not bother me as much.

Corrections: Question 2: A small team of wildlife researchers is working on a project that uses motion-activated field cameras to capture images of animals at study sites. The team is considering using a “citizen science” approach to analyze the images. Which of the following best explains why such an approach is considered useful for this project? My answer: B - The image analysis is likely to be more consistent if completed by an individual citizen. Correct answer: D - The image analysis is likely to take a longer time for the research team than for a distributed group of individuals. I honestly shouldn’t have gotten this wrong. I do not think I comprehended the answer choices and rushed over reading the answers since I was just starting the test. Question 11: According to information in the table, what color is represented by the binary RGB triplet (11111111, 11111111, 11110000) ? My answer was neutral gray instead of ivory because I misread and miscalculated a few numbers leading to the incorrect answer. Question 16: A student wrote the following program to remove all occurrences of the strings “the” and “a” from the list wordList.

Line 1: index LENGTH (wordList)

Line 2: REPEAT UNTIL (index < 1)

Line 3: {

Line 4: IF ((wordList[index] = “the”) OR (wordList[index] = “a”))

Line 5: {

Line 6: REMOVE (wordList, index)

Line 7: }

Line 8: }

While debugging the program, the student realizes that the loop never terminates. Which of the following changes can be made so that the program works as intended? My answer: C Inserting index ← index - 1 between lines 6 and 7 Correct answer: D Inserting index ← index - 1 between lines 7 and 8 For this question, I was debating over choosing choice C or D and I didn’t quite process the code. I now realize that inserting the line of code between lines 6 and 7 is wrong because it would only apply to the word includes the or a rather than all elements.

Question 22: Spinner simulator: I still don’t understand the significance of the spin number.