CPT Brainstorm

I’m excited to implement login features in our website because it will enable a more customizable user experience because users can store specific pieces of individualized information.

We had a hard time coming up with a feasible idea that we were all passionate about. We considered a fitness tracker and lyric searcher, but ended up choosing the travel planner.


I will be working on the weather portion of our project. We have four sections: weather, itinery, activities, and hotel info.

First, users will login to the website with a username and password. For the weather page of the website, it will use a weather API and database so it can request data for the weather on that day at that location.

Day Plan Description
Monday Login I will work on the SCSS and CSS styling and try to create my own login page
Tuesday Weather I will work on the frontend and import my images into the page and find a template
Wednesday Weather Find databases to use for the San Diego API
Thursday Weather Continue working on applying databases for API